Sunday, September 10, 2006

Art Car Traveler Blog

The posts on this site were written by two people associated with the Route 6 Nebraska Art Car Tour. The views expressed are those of the authors, and are not ncessarily the views of the Route 6 NE association. Since this is a public Blog site, the public is allowed to make comments and the Route 6 NE Art Car Tour participants and the Route 6 NE association are not responsible for those comments. Comments will be monitored for suitability.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Route 6 NE Art Car Tour Blog

Photos by Paul McRae: Erika, Paul, Don and Dave showing how old they are. Tammy and Erika with their harps.

The tour is documented with the earliest posts first so start with the post on the bottom if you want to follow our trip across Nebraska.

Don Robertson, Erika Nelson, Ed Jonak, Tam Jonak, Paul McRae, Dave Major, and Anne Rohan traveled across the state from border to border. Several other drivers joined us with their Art Cars for some of the stops. We appreciate all of your contributions!

Thanks to Don Robertson (applause, cheering, and the crowd goes wild) for leading the (sometimes) naughty kittens across the state. We know you spent hundreds of hours setting up these events and we hope we were able to help you accomplish your goal of bringing additional tourism to the Route 6 communities. We hope the communities realize the possibilities for new tourism and economic development through projects like this and will again support this event next year.

A few photos were stolen from the Flickr site and posted here. For more fun and frivolity, an extensive array of photos of the 2006 Route 6 Nebraska Art Car Tour are found here. You'll also find more imaginative captions for the photos because I didn't want to steal too much from that site. Believe me, it's worth it to visit the Flickr site! Thanks, Paul for being our official photographer. If you would like to purchase photos, please contact us at the web site and your message will be forwarded to Paul.

Also thanks to Rex for setting up the blog site and allowing us to post anything so we could share the information about our amazing trip with everyone. The only rule I remember is "keep it clean" and we certainly tried to do that.

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