Friday, August 25, 2006

August 25, 2006 - We think we've got this down

We think we've got this down. We play for 6 hours and then we get our second wind and we go again.

The afternoon in Arapahoe was delightful. We appreciated the cloudy skies so it was cooler to meander around town for our scavenger hunt to look for lego blocks. I don't know who came up with this idea but I'm going to steal it because it was a blast. We headed over to the Missing Center (Missing is the last name of the building donor) and constructed our legos into something "creative." The boys won this one hands down. Erika, Anne and Tam pretented like it didn't matter but Tam and Anne are ready to sign up for architecture classes at the community college when they get home. Erika just pretended it didn't matter but I saw her lower lip quiver ever so slightly and just one lonely tear slid down her left cheek.

P.S. Anne said Paul cheated. Now, let's talk about this. Anne is the one that admitted to underhanded techniques to get an advantage at one of the contests. Anne and Paul were ready to start throwing punches until Special Ed reminded them that he had the handcuffs and knew about a nice jail that was reserved for mean aliens. Everyone became quick friends.

Thankfully, we're all also getting into this tomato thing so sliced tomatoes and two salads with tomatoes in them helped the ladies feel better. Erika needed a dose of pink cake but she was smiling and all gushy when someone put the second piece of cake in front of her and said it needed a good home. We haven't let the fact that we aren't hungry deter us from eating the plentiful Nebraska foods during our tour. We have decided that summer is a great time to travel in Nebraska but suspect that any time of the year is equally good!

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