Monday, August 21, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006 - Boys Town
Photo by Paul McRae: Paul and Erika with the World's Largest Ball of Stamps; Christine and Chewbaru.
Boys Town
No one got lost on the way to Boys Town due to some astute navigation by our fearless leader, Don. We had shade, plenty of lookers and a nice lunch compliments of Girls & Boys Town. Dave (G&B Town Marketing Director) even cleaned out his office and gave things to the kids to keep or trade with the Art Car Artists. Swap & Shop Anne's most prized possesion that she received in a swap was a Girls & Boys Town Prayer Book but the 8 track tape of Boys Town at Christmas was a close second.
The longer spectators looked at Ed & Tam's Star Chief the more gadgets and gizmos they saw. It takes a lot to keep the galaxy safe but the Jonak's are up to the challenge. Tam handed out hand decorated butterflies to the crowd.
One nice lady saw ChewBaru and went home to get her father's partial. With encouragement from Paul, she brought it back so it could be added to the car. While Erika glued, this lady told us the story of the teeth. Her father was some kind of jokester so when one tooth fell out of it he replaced it with an pencil eraser. So, sure enough, ChewBaru is the proud owner of a partial with an eraser and she signed the car in honor of her father.
We were joined by Chalk Truck at this stop and Ambulance to the Future (Christine and Peter, Central Art Car Exhibition & Celebration) also stopped for this visit and went to Tiny Town with us.