Monday, August 21, 2006

Sunday - August 20, 2006 - Tiny Town

Photo by Paul McRae: Several Art Car Drivers play at Tiny Town.

Tiny Town

Gretna's Tiny Town is a treasure that we discovered a few months ago and we were warmly welcomed to stop by. By the time we left we were chanting, "Tiny Town, Tiny Town, Tiny Town!" Pappy told us there are no adults at Tiny Town and no height or weight restrictions. We tested that a time or two as we played for hours.

Plasma cars were the favorite of Don and Erika but Don also performed on stage. Heaven only knows the words that he made up to go with the music in his head. Rob 7 tried some unusual things under the water bucket dump. Paul was caught running under the "No Running" sign - he's already got the Bad Kitten Award so now what!???! Anne kept forgetting to duck when she went under the misting structure. Her head is healing nicely.

Not to be outdone again by Erika, Tam was documenting everything that she did while at Tiny Town so she could win the daily challenge. We're not big on rules so we're considering giving Rob 7 some bonus points for his antics under the water bucket but if he's in the hospital that will void his extra points.

Tiny Town is highly recommended for families and we encourage the older children (like parents and grandparents) to adopt Pappy's attitiude that we all need to play more.

Our admiration to the Mayor and his associates (AKA, the creative team) and our thanks to Mr & Mrs Pappy for the top notch refreshments.

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